
Posts Tagged ‘Poor’

Rejected, Unwanted, Unloved?

In 07 Observations on 2014/01/30 at 12:00 AM
Jesus says: “Whatever you do to the least of your brothers is in my name. When you receive a little child, you receive me. If, in my name, you give a glass of water you give it to me” (Mk 9,37 ; Mt 10,42). And to make sure that we understand what he is talking about he says that at the hour of death we are going to be judged only that way. “I was hungry, you gave me to eat. I was naked, you clothed me. I was homeless, you took me in.”

Hunger is not only for bread; hunger is for love. Nakedness is not only for a piece of clothing; nakedness is lack of human dignity, and also that beautiful virtue of purity, and lack of that respect for each other. Homelessness is not only being without a home made of bricks; homelessness is also being rejected, unwanted, unloved.

 Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
(©Br Angelo Devananda Scolozzi)